AT Trevanin Farm, Woodbury Salterton, East Devon, EX5 1PS
There are two groups to choose from (PD 1 and PD2); each meeting over a 9 month period and each consisting of 8-10 participants
Our approach is founded in Gestalt Therapy and other Humanistic perspectives with an emphasis on direct experiencing and relating in the here and now. This focus on the lived experience of the moment includes the felt experience of the body, the senses and the emotions as well as dreams, imaginings, and projections.
Within the safety that group therapy offers, participants will have opportunities to:
- Experiment with new ways of relating to themselves and others
- Explore their need to retain habitual protectiveness
- Express their creativity, spontaneity and passion
Venue: >Trevanin Farm, Woodbury Salterton, East Devon, EX5 1PS
Cost: £195 (exclusive of accommodation)
4 weekends per year in March, June, September, November. Each weekend
from Saturday 10am to Sunday 4.30pm.
About us
David: Psychotherapist, Supervisor, Trainer with over 25 years experience and Director of CHPC Training, has been involved as a Facilitator/Co-Facilitator since the mid 80s.
He writes: “I see therapy groups as a “micro-society” which give people a chance to remake, redo and /or rediscover themselves in the safety of being away from habitual constraints, demands and roles. Groups return to us the possibility of being free-especially free in how we are and how we present ourselves to others. The opportunity that Group Therapy offers is unique and priceless and in my opinion, occurs nowhere else with quite such richness of possibility, in a person’s lifeworld.”
Jenny: Gestalt Psychotherapist, Supervisor, Trainer has over 30 years experience of facilitating personal development with individuals and in groups.
She writes: “I see personal development as an ongoing lifelong adventure: a journey to discover more about being true to myself in relationship with others. A Gestalt Personal Development group is therefore not about discovering what is wrong with us but rather about becoming more fully ourselves. This can be scary at times. However drawing on the magical support of the group, we can dare to experience how we recreate the past in the present and recognise the choices we have in each moment.”
Applications /further information By email/phone stating reasons for wanting to join, previous PD experience and current support. An interview may be requested by either party
David: tel. 01404 234916 email
Jenny: tel. 01395 269076 email:
PD Group Flyer 2025 (PDF)
PD Group Flyer Feedback (PDF)
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